We offer many different opportunities to join us in worship. (Summer Schedule is one service at 9AM from May 27-September 2)
Service Times

We offer many different opportunities to join us in worship. (Summer Schedule is one service at 9AM from May 27-September 2)
Service Times

Someone will warmlly greet you and give you a give bulletin. You may select a place to sit in the church. There are no assisgned seats.

Before each service our ushers and greeters meet the church community at the front entrance. At this time the ushers will hand each person a service bulletin that maps out the entire worship service, making it simple to follow along. You may also access a service bulletin online before or during worship.
Sunday Bulletin & Readings

There is an assortment of dress at our services that varies among the generations.Some people wear suits and dresses, some wear jeans or khakis or shorts. Wear what you are comfortable wearing.

Yes! Check the link here for class schedule. (The Lectionary Class meets in King Parlor most Sunday mornings following worship in summer.)
Adult Christian Formation

 Yes, of course! To parents of young children: Relax! God put the wiggle and giggle in children. All are welcome! Sit towards the front where it’s easier for your little ones to see and hear what is going on during worship. Little children tire of seeing the backs of others. You might quietly explain the parts of the worship service, help the children to find hymns and prayers in the BCP. Sing the hymns and participate in the liturgy and prayers. Children learn about worship and liturgical behavior by copying you. If you have to leave, feel free to do so, but please come back. 

Yes! Grace provides childcare in Little Blessings Nursery which is staffed with permanent nursery caregivers from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon (September-May) and during the 9:00 a.m. worship service in summer. The nursery also opens for special events as needed. Please let us know if you wish to have childcare provided during special event.
Little Blessings Nursery

We offer programs for children and youth of all ages. Visit the children and youth page on this website for specific programs.
Children of Grace

All baptized persons are welcome to come forward to the altar rail and receive the bread and wine. If you have not yet been baptized, you are welcome to come to the rail and receive a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest to signal to the priest that you wish to receive a blessing. Baptized children of all ages are included in this invitation. Gluten-free wafers are available; simply notify the priest when you come forward to receive.

Grace Church welcomes all visitors to participate fully in the life of our parish community. We invite you to continue your journey with us; ask questions, attend worship services, Christian educational offerings, and participate in the many outreach ministries we offer in our community. Ask the rector about becoming a member of Grace!

If you have any additional questions that we have not provided answers, please call or email us! 256.236.4457 or click the Contact Us to send an inquiry.

Some Terms You May Hear at Grace Church:

Tyler Hall 
is our parish hall where we eat meals together, prepare our Beans & Rice for outreach, have occasional programs, etc.,

Congregation: the people in the pews who are active participants in the church community and service.

Rector: The clergy person who has charge of the parish.