We meet most Sunday mornings (September - May) at 9:30 am on the Children & Youth wing located upstairs.
Sunday morning classes for all ages begins on September 15, 2024
- Holy Moly! Yes, that’s really the name of the Sunday morning gathering for children. We gather on the children’s wing (upstairs in the parish building) to watch a Holy Moly Bible video in the Media Room. After the Bible video, children go to their age level class and respond to the Bible story with reading, activities, games, crafts, and more! We make popcorn every Sunday and the children are allowed to sprinkle their favorite toppings on the popcorn. We close with prayer and a blessing each week.
6th graders and up:
- Lectionary Exploration and Confirmation Preparation for Ministry. This class explores Bible stories from the Old & New Testaments of the Holy Bible, and learn more about The Episcopal Church.
- Wednesday Evenings – Community Faith Night 5:30-7:00 PM. Bring the whole family for worship and dinner.
- Extras! We are a liturgical church and our worship follows the Book of Common Prayer for worship. We learn about and observe the seasons of the church year and celebrate our common life and ministry often! We
Children of Grace
Hooray! Its Summertime!
Join us for Virtual VBS!
VBS is available all summer, so you can connect virtually with Bible Stories, Games, Art, Videos, Snacks, Science, and more!
GET READY FOR: SING! PLAY! SUMMER! It’s complete with bluegrass music from BUTTERFLYFISH that will have you singing, playing, and summering!
This VBS online option is still available now! Use it at home or when you’re on the go!
Be sure to download the Sing! Play! Summer! Booklet for activities, then use the buttons below for extra ideas to go deeper into the story!
Scripture: Then Jonah prayed to God from the belly of the fish saying, ‘I called to God out of my distress, and God answered me.’

Scripture: When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth. Genesis 9:16

Scripture: Then David took his staff in his hand, and chose five smooth stones from the river valley, and put them in his shepherd’s bag…1 Samuel 17:40

Scripture: The angel said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised, he is not here.’ Mark 16:6

Scripture: Praise God trumpet sound! Praise God with lute and harp! Let everything that breathes praise God! Psalm 150:3,6
Christian Formation Classes ~ (September 15, 2024 - May 11, 2025)
9:30-10:15 AM
Children's Worship - (September - Mid-May)
Children’s Worship (September 15 – Mid-May)
Ages 4 years – third grade
“Praise the Lord, all you nations! Extol Him, all you peoples!
For great is His steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord
endures forever. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 117
An age-appropriate children’s worship service is conducted most Sunday mornings in the Children’s Chapel during the Rite II (10:30 AM) ( September-May 13) worship service. During worship time, children learn about and begin to appreciate the wonder and grandeur of our liturgical worship. Children who wish to participate will follow the cross at the end of the Procession. The children return at the offertory to continue worship with their parents.
Children in Worship
Children of all ages are welcome to worship services. To parents of young children: Relax! God put the wiggle and giggle in children. All are welcome! Sit towards the front where it’s easier for your little ones to see and hear what is going on during worship. Little children tire of seeing the backs of others. You might quietly explain the parts of the worship service, help the children to find hymns and prayers in the BCP. Sing the hymns and participate in the liturgy and prayers. Children learn about worship and liturgical behavior by copying you. If you have to leave, feel free to do so, but please come back. It’s really a matter of personal choice. Little Blessings Nursery is open with attentive and caring attendants that will welcome your children!
Children of Grace - Outreach Opportunities
who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40
- The Anniston Animal Shelter
- Anniston Soup Bowl
- Grace Lobsterfest Event that benefits Habitat for Humanity
- Christmas Clearing House
- Bethany Village at Camp McDowell – Donated Rain Barrels made during VBS in summer 2013
- Planted a Community Garden on the church grounds during VBS 2012
- Homeless Care Packs during VBS 2014
- Made and painted Butterflly Houses as a gift to: Camp McDowell, Interfaith Vegetable Garden, Anniston Botanical Garden.
- Held a raffle for The Welcome Table, which was the centerpiece of VBS 2017. The money collected during the raffle was distributed to the ministries that we learned about during VBS: The Gleaner Box, The Anniston Soup Bowl, Beans & Rice Ministry at Grace Church, Children of Grace Outreach Ministries.
Intergenerational Events
- Rally Day
- St. Francis of Assisi Animal Blessing
- Annual Parish Retreat
- Annual Parish Picnic
- Parish Family Movie Night
- Epiphany Celebration
- Kindness Rock Project
- Vacation Bible School
- Christmas Pageant & Cookies & Punch Reception on Christmas Eve
- Butterfly Release & Egg Hunt
- Mardi Grits
- Lobsterfest
- Advent Wreath-Making
- Vacation Bible School
Give your child the timeless gift of reaching out to God in prayer.

Our Top Picks: Picture Book Resources for Processing Grief with Children
The Memory Box – A book about grief by Joanna Rowland
Something Very Sad Happened by Bonnie Zucker (especially appropriate for two and three-year-old children)
Ida, ALWAYS by Caron Levis & Charles Santoso
Life & I: A Story About Death by Elisabeth Helland Larsen
Where Do They Go? by Julia Alveer